I am referring more like where in life I want to head, and what in life I want to attain (not the movie...)... and its a strong "I want to" rather than a "I hope to".
Had started a little conversation with Yv after she was enquiring for her friend on course fees of TMC/MDIS/SIM... then started talking about skills upgrading and improvements and the like... and all the high-flyers who got their diplomas, degrees, masters, landed in good jobs, earn good money and such... such envy...
Life's a struggle and paper-chase... with dreams comes the need for money, with the need for money comes the need to work, with the need to work comes the need for qualifications... its not the first time I started thinking: "If only I can go back in time, what would I have studied? And where would I have been now?"...
The short MSN chat with Yv comes as a wake-up call...
I looked at my friends around me and the stages in life they are at:
- Honda's switching discipline frm Engineering to Finance, heading to Kangeroo land for another 2 years of studies...
- THL's landed in a decent job, hoping to turn permanent, and intending to get his LCCI...
- XiaoP's finally got his masters but is currently getting a diploma-level salary due to lack of experience...
- MJ's turned teacher, and hopefully she dun ruin any kid's future...
- CM's waiting for that bonus so she can throw the 'most powerful white letter in the world'...
- Tweet's also getting pretty sick of her auditing job and searching for greener pasture...
- Botak's Shaolin foundation also started to shake as he is also on the lookout for greener pasture...
- Kirby's landed in a decent job and earning hard for his masters now...
- Tonic-babe's viewing a new contract and switching job (for the better...)...
- Pooh's recently hopped to another industry after 3 yrs plus without due recognition...
- XiaoBai's 20ft container of shoes arrived and he had better succeed in selling them off at a profit or else he's gonna get his ass screwed from all the investment money he borrowed from relatives, even selling off the $300+K Tampines Premiere flat he snapped at the BTO...
- Ah-seng's got married (happily?) in a haste after his gf of 7 yrs dumped him, and he's now got a flat and a kid (accidentally?), and now heavily in debt...
- Chin's pretty much losing lotsa hair (last time I saw him) frm his marriage, 2 kids, car, and flat...
- Kokuhen-san last told me he's gonna lose his job soon...
- Jiawoei's earning big bucks now in his first company after getting his masters in kangeroo-land (when I know he spent most of his time playing MMORPGs)...
- Jerry's landed himself a decent job and starting off well...
I looked at myself:
How far am I from them? Am I ahead? In the middle? Or worse, behind? I ain't turning any younger (though I still looked like I'm 18...); what have I achieved and what is my goal? Do I have any rice-bowl skills? Do I have what it takes?
I guess my closer friends would have recently heard me asking them what they hope to achieve in life, or where would they hope to be, in the next 5 years...
Getting hitched, buying a flat, and having kids, then be heavily in debt and struggling to support these commitments is probably something I wouldn't wanna end myself up in before I get rich.
I tell myself that "If what I am doing today does not contribute to what I am aiming to achieve, then I am merely wasting my time away"...
I tell myself that I have to be clear, that I have to set a goal, and a direction...
Goal / Material Achievement:
1) My own house with a beautiful view like below;
2) Buy myself a white Porsche 911 GT3; 3) Buy whatever I want, whenever I want;
4) Go wherever I want, whenever I want.
(Whoever come and tell me they want to reach non-material achievements and their goal is to attain Nirvana, I will tell them to give me all their money first and then go f@#% off...)
Direction by 2012:
1) Complete my degree;
2) Get a decent job first;
3) Earn my JLPTs;
4) Do up my portfolio;
5) Learn all the softwares I queued up;
6) Accumulate up sufficient capital;
7) Actualise my business ideas;
8) Review my directions by 2012 and realign my directions.
"放胆去做,毕有人能成功, 为何不是我!"
Have you set your goal yet?
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