05 February 2008; 23: 30hrs...
Had the sudden urge to visit the Loyang Tua Pek Gong Temple... so here I am, deep inside the Loyang Way... However, what's left is only this empty route in... There used to be big red lanterns lining all the way inside; cars will be driving in and out this narrow route... but now the route is blocked off with bollards...
but that doesn't stop me from walking in... (freaky walk in)... the other end would be a left turn and another 100 metres inward, where we would reach the coast. Loyang Tua Pek Gong Temple used to be just there... now, the area is laid with newly planted grass... was too dark to be able to shoot anything into the dark open, with or without flash. (Besides, it doesn't make sense to shoot into the dark, and really caught something, dun ya think?)
Learnt from the security guard nearby that Loyang Tua Pek Gong Temple was closed since August 2007; and the new temple is just down the road... one street ahead.
Oh ya, by the way, if you happened to be near that area in the day, do drop by this Stamford Tyres House. Workshop, Sports Rims, Car Accessories Show Room, Skill Mechanics, and FREE coffee and internet access there. Oh, did I mentioned that the cashier is a looker? New Loyang Tua Pek Gong Temple
Down the next street, there it is... right ahead... you wun miss the lights. Got down with my digital machine gun and began shooting anything I see... (can spot my car?)
Beautiful isn't it?! Best time to go at night because of several reasons:
- Free Parking;
- Its windy and cooling at night;
- Lotsa beautiful lightings!
From the road side, this is the left hand side of the temple...Before walking in, there is this beautiful Koi Pond to the left... (best place to release unwanted fish and tortoise... kekeke)
and the popular Ice Cream Uncle to the right!
Inside, this is the front view of the temple... spectacular view...
Number of incense hanging overhead: Lost count...
Slightly closer to the front door...
If you are there, do take a look up at the ceiling... its very elaborated...
Think its a dragon up there... its too shiny and bright already; people with sensitive eyes are advised to wear shades before glancing upwards...
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