KANU UNCHO - Ikkitousen
[関羽雲長] - 一騎当千
I have no idea why sculpters and designers of Kanu Uncho like to design her attire to be so revealing most of the time... No doubt Ikkitousen has excessive fan-service, Kanu Uncho is one of the most powerful character in the Ikkitousen series and is the most serious amongst all. So the way they designed her to look like, really tarnishes her image.
Below: When I first picked up interest in figurines, this Kanu Uncho from Griffon Enterprise is the first I came across. Huge 1/5 scale, long beautiful hair, and a very detailed fachion. But, Kanu Uncho doesn't wear cheongsum, the boots doesn't suit cheongsum anyways, and her facial expression just didn't make the mark.
Below: this version's also from Griffon Enterprise; looked nicer, pose is good too, just that the sailor fuku uniform has a weird greenish tone to it. The facial expression didn't make the mark anyways....

Below: Also from Griffon Enterprise... Failed; Kanu Uncho never behave like this...

Below: Also from Griffon... pose is nice but sleazy... wierd color, and too 'shiny'; fail.

Below: This beautiful version is from GOODSMILE company. Their designs are one of the best in the market so far. Pity she's in lolita clothing and not her standard sailor fuku uniform; I dun like alternative attires. But this is definitely a good buy.

Below: designed by Yamato, there was a scene where Kanu Uncho's was defeated, with her clothes severly ripped from the fierce battle (thats where the fan-service kicked in), and she was captured and restrainted under heavy chains... Beautiful piece, but erm... too "Adult" doncha think?

Below: Both versions below are also from Yamato... Fail. You dun just get any long haired girl in sailor fuku uniform to pose with a fachion and call them Kanu Uncho. Double fail.

Below: from Musashiya... poor facial expression, pose is tasteless; Fail.

Below: This version's from Taki Corporations... Nice pose, the color of the uniform is almost right... but there's just too much exposed breast (why can't she wear a bra / tube or something?!). Its just not appropriate to place it on display.

Below: My eyes bled when I see this version! Also from Taki Corp., the fellas who designed this and approved for its mass production ought to be dragged to the square and be stoned to death. This is like Sadako coming out from the well and cosplaying Kanu Uncho. My eyes~~
( > , < )

Below: From Orchidseed, this version is just sweet~~~ if I ever need an extra paper-weight in my office, I'll get this to hold my papers in place.

Below: 3 versions below are all from Orchidseed. They named it as Kanu Uncho... sweet enough although I didn't like alternative attires. But these can pass off as any other ordinary girl in any anime. Do you like these?

Below: Finally, chanced upon this beautiful figure on Dannychoo's "Bishoujo Figure" post. Definitely possess the "Woo!" factor. Made me eat my words when I said I didn't like alternative attires; this Kanu Uncho in a Miko attire is gonna bring down the temperature in my room by alot from her cool factor. Probably gonna get my hands on this figure if I have no other place to spend money on... I wonder when the pre-order is gonna begin... guess I am gonna break that 'Archers-only' collection rule.

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