December 2008: Part 2
16 December 2008
Just a random photo of Pappy...

17 December 2008
@ HarbourFront Centre. Was invited to board the Azamara Quest cruise ship.
More pictures here.

Reached home by 5:30pm and helped mum with dinner preparation... mum overcooked the beef salami below... it dried up and shrunk in size.
18 December 2008
@ along Carpenter Street. Had a dinner appointment and reached the area early. Spotted this little building hidden from view of the main road - GAME HAVEN. The SAFRA logo above the building seems to indicate "very Govt supported". Lan-Games, Jackpots, PS3, Xbox, Restuarants inside. Gotta check it out some day.
21 December 2008
@ Changi Airport T2's Sakae Sushi having dinner. Dad's back in town (so is TonicBabe), so Mum suggested dinner there. I always love Japanese Food.
Dad brought back a huge box of birdnest. Fruits of his labour. About 550 grams in 73 pcs. Slightly underweight in terms of industry standard. Not enough moisture perhaps.
22 December 2008
@ a Kallang Bahru warehouse...
Out with Dad to view goods. Towing Hook below. No buyer yet. KIV.
@ Rowell Road. I always love this little row of shophouses here. If I am ever rich enough, I'll buy an unit here.
@ Singapore Expo. Hopped by the Megatex to check out some laptops.
23 December 2008
@ HUB Hub. There with parents for lunch. Curiosity got the better of dad and he went to check out the show flats there.
Yishun Dew. A BTO project. Dad kept absent-mindedly telling me to go get a flat. And I have to remind him that I have no partner at the moment, and I am yet 35 yrs old. Sheesh.
@ YellowPages building. There to buy a booklet of the Commercial/Industrial guide 2008/2009.
@ home... Dad was playing with Pappy. Thats a bull figure... the size of Pappy, and Pappy was so threatened he kept barking and retreating into my room.
24 December 2008

@ along Carpenter Street. Had a dinner appointment and reached the area early. Spotted this little building hidden from view of the main road - GAME HAVEN. The SAFRA logo above the building seems to indicate "very Govt supported". Lan-Games, Jackpots, PS3, Xbox, Restuarants inside. Gotta check it out some day.

@ Changi Airport T2's Sakae Sushi having dinner. Dad's back in town (so is TonicBabe), so Mum suggested dinner there. I always love Japanese Food.

@ a Kallang Bahru warehouse...
Out with Dad to view goods. Towing Hook below. No buyer yet. KIV.

@ HUB Hub. There with parents for lunch. Curiosity got the better of dad and he went to check out the show flats there.

Christmas Eve. Tonicbabe's CPU committed suicide. Accompanied her to Sim Lim Square to have it repaired.
@ Woodlands. Xmas Eve dinner and gift exchange.
25 December 2008
Brunch. Roast Chicken Rice @ the coffee shop near my flat.
26 December 2008
@ Giants Hypermart with Mum and Dad.
Legendary Shark Fin melon!
Mini Tangerines are on sale already! Bought 1 KG home. SWEET~!!! Every One of it.
27 December 2008
Dad bought dinner home... Clams + Satay (Chicken, Beef, and Mutton) + Indian Rojak + Fried Oyster with Egg... Sinful combination~!
28 December 2008
@ Changi Coast Beach. Out for a stroll with Mum and Dad. Took Pappy out to the beach too!
29 December 2008
@ Jalan Berseh. There with Dad to view some goods again. Stopped by the famous Laksa Store for lunch! Read more of it in my earlier post here.
Later in the afternoon... the nostalgic Flower-shaped biscuits usually found on cakes... and where children will fight over that 1 flower everytime... I know where to get these... and I am not telling. =p
Also found this Tangerine Fruit Oil. Took me many years to find it. Many many years. Its like a childhood dream fulfilled. Goes superbly well with Ngor-Hiang.
30 December 2008
@ Battery Road. In the hearts of Raffles Place. Dinner appointment. Was waiting for a friend and took this photo through my car's moonroof. Fun. Thats OUB Centre, UOB Plaza...
After dinner... heading home... stopped by Geylang Lorong 9 to buy supper for dad. The famous Lorong 9 Beef Horfun.

Brunch. Roast Chicken Rice @ the coffee shop near my flat.

@ Giants Hypermart with Mum and Dad.

Dad bought dinner home... Clams + Satay (Chicken, Beef, and Mutton) + Indian Rojak + Fried Oyster with Egg... Sinful combination~!
@ Changi Coast Beach. Out for a stroll with Mum and Dad. Took Pappy out to the beach too!

@ Jalan Berseh. There with Dad to view some goods again. Stopped by the famous Laksa Store for lunch! Read more of it in my earlier post here.

@ Battery Road. In the hearts of Raffles Place. Dinner appointment. Was waiting for a friend and took this photo through my car's moonroof. Fun. Thats OUB Centre, UOB Plaza...

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