03 DECEMBER 2008
11:00am appointment @ Changi General Hospital for my scheduled (and re-scheduled) MRI scan...
MRI (or Magnetic Resonance Imaging), provides detailed images of the body using a powerful magnetic field that align the protons in the body. As the magnetic field arranges the hydrogen atoms in the body, the emitted radio waves provide energy to these protons which bounce back differently depending on the type of tissue. The MRI can provide very non-invasive, meticulous images depending on the realignment of the protons. These slices are combined to form a 3-D image of the studied area. (More info via here)
Some interesting facts about MRI:
- The magnetic field of the MRI is 25,000 times stronger than that of the Earth.
- It cost S$990 (inclusive of GST) for the bill.

Was there to scan my right knee; sustained some injury from my marathon training last year, just wanna get to the roots of it and hopefully 'keng' some medical status out of it...
Managed to get an IMDF form (something like Inquisition / Inquiry ... Medical Diagnosis...Form?? kinda abbreviation) from my unit. Basically, its a form to give to the hospital for any kinds of tests/scans to the point of diagnosis, and SAF will pay on behalf.
Managed to get an IMDF form (something like Inquisition / Inquiry ... Medical Diagnosis...Form?? kinda abbreviation) from my unit. Basically, its a form to give to the hospital for any kinds of tests/scans to the point of diagnosis, and SAF will pay on behalf.
In even layman terms, my S$990 bill was FREE. xD
I was there early, as told, so I can change into the X-ray/Radiology usage kinda Kimono gown. Waited for a good 10minutes before a radiologist finally approached me and directed me to the changing room.
Stripped out of everything except my underwear ( ^_^) and changed into some clean(?) kimono gown. Blue. Then proceeded to the MRI room. Some huge machine... but I had to take of my spectacles, cuz no metal objects allowed. So from there on, everything was a blur.
Sat onto the bed and had the radiologist docked my right knee into position. Cold rubber... Then I lied down. The room was cold. The radiologist continued to adjust my leg and finally covered it with another (damn!) cold piece of rubber before locking down my leg.
I was then covered with a blanket (thank goodness~ it was mortury-level coldness) and passed a call-bell into my right hand, so I can squeeze in case of anything. Then the radiologist helped place a headphone over my ears and only mentioned a word - "music". I had expected it because I read the hospital pamplet in advance. Was told its gonna take some 30mins - 45mins (omg...)
Everything was in place. I was not to move unnecessarily or else the imaging will turn out blur (which means it will only take even longer). Then my bed was raised and I was rolled into the capsule before the radiologist left to take station.
Then the irritating sound begins.... Teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-..... .....
Only after a good 5 minutes before the music slowly fade into my headphone... appreciated that it didn't came abruptly and loudly, or I could have twitched inside the capsule. It was soothing Chinese music... but when the Teh-ing and the Dor-ing came on, the music simply drowns in the noise...
Teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh-teh..... dor-dor-dor-dor-dor-dor-dor-...
Everytimg I could hear the music again, it was another song already...
Sometimes, BOTH sounds came on and they combined into something like Won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won-won.....
or sometimes just Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do...
My toes were already freezing cuz the blanket didn't covered there... and I didn't dare move a bit for fear of ruining the imaging. I was really lying there motionless for some 30minutes...
Finally the ordeal was over and the radiologist came back to help me up. Told me that that was all and I could get change and go home.
My right leg was numb and every step I took felt like millions of ants were all over my leg...
Struggled back to the locker to pick up my clothings and changed back... then home.
Got to return for the specialist's diagnosis 2 weeks later when my MRI report is out.
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