That morning after breakfast... I ripped my air gun apart to see the construction inside... was thinking of at least savaging that laser-pointer part but gave up in the end... a NT$70 well-spent however... lotsa fun~
I am still guilty of leaving the entire hotel room floor littered with over 300 over plastic pellets (Kokuhen's, Jerry's, and mine). Guess what, I found pellets of other colors in my room as well; goes to show that the fellow before me was playing with air-guns as well!
Before we picked up out luggages to leave, we shoved all the plastic pellets we could see under the beds... wakakaka... The Taiwanese news reported the previous evening of cold currents (between 7 - 12 degree celsius) sipping into Taiwan and cautioned us of drastic temperature drops the next day (which is this day...). True enough, it was very very cold out there~~~ and I have kept all of my jackets into my main luggage, which is a bad mistake...
农佳特产休闲农场 (Nong Jia)
On our way to the airport, we made a last stop very very near the airport (see below map)... was a farm selling lotsa Taiwan food products... (but not at a price sane enough). There was supposed to be be a retail warehouse, mini pig farm, farm-hostel, bread-forest (面包树林), and a restaurant.
I bought a small packet of dried mangoes for approx S$11+ (made a wrong calculation, I thought it was S$1.00+ ... and bought it).
Next, we entered the restuarant for a bowl of meat-ball noodles...
NT$50 a bowl... best chance to empty our pockets of coins.... so we poured everything out! xD Nice steaming hot bowl of meat ball noodles and soup in this kinda cold weathers... BEST~
And~ we arrived at the Airport...
Here's the departure hall...
Nothing much left to shoot (photos of)... already in the airport custom and shopped a bit... look below, one whole packet of Marlboro for only NT$410 (S$20)... cheap~ pity cannot buy into Singapore... hahaha...
Before take-off... Got the front-most seat... lotsa leg-space~ nice~

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