First thing we did is to get this photo taken...
(got this outfit yesterday evening at the shopping district... managed to convince the guys to wear the same thing together for some silly fun today~ hee hee)

See this castle? Reminds you of Disney Castle? No?

Then take a look at their mascot... (scanned from pamphlet)
(think Mickey Mouse + Minnie Mouse, chop off the head, replaced with Monkey head)
Their attractions map even resembles the Japan's Disney land! OMG... rip off!

Queueing for a tram-ride = got time to pose for pictures~

So, when 2 好人appears in front of you, who will you pick?

and the tram arrives~
We entered the "Zoo" area. All I could smell is the stench of the SHIT coming from below... (No, it doesn't help to say "Dung" even if it sounds nicer~). Nothing worth photoshooting over... its the Rhinos, Camels, Deers, Mountain Goats, etc... and the smell of SHIT~~~~~~~

Next, we were waiting for our turn to take the bus to enter the "Carnivore compound"... so I took a shot of the chicken below... beautiful isn't she? (Or its a He? Ah~ watever, as long as they're tasty...)
Next, gramp tour guide took the whole group to ride the Merry-Go-Round... (I was busy eating my gigantic piece of 炸鸡排 + 可乐... cost NT$80).
Oh, here's an "Octopus" ride...

I was swung around, up and down, upside-down and downside-up...

Below.... "Pagoda of Revenge"... this has got to be the scariest ride I have take thus far...
Goes all~~~~~~ the way up....
Goes all~~~~~~ the way up....
No way I am going up again! Geez!
and spirals up the other end...

This is another ride which I went "Oh shiaaaaaaaaaaaaaat~!!!!". This ride was super fast! So fast I had to yell.

I can yawn in Roller Coasters... but this speed beats the record.

Managed to spot me yet? No? (4th row from behind)

Here's a zoom-in...
and another zoom-in...
Next, "Sneaky Pete's Hideout". One word - WET. Some buggers were hogging the ponchos, so we took the ride with only 1 poncho to share amongst the 9 of us...
This was also another ride we went "Oh SHIT!". There were cannons bombing into the water... water rapids... and a goddamn WATERFALL! We were having a hell of a time yelling and yelling over the water splashing onto us... the ultimate was the waterfall... dammit! I came out with half my top and jeans soaked! Hahaha~
This was also another ride we went "Oh SHIT!". There were cannons bombing into the water... water rapids... and a goddamn WATERFALL! We were having a hell of a time yelling and yelling over the water splashing onto us... the ultimate was the waterfall... dammit! I came out with half my top and jeans soaked! Hahaha~
Photo taken from the camera overhead... (yea, I was watching at the wrong camera...) NT$100 a piece... buy one, scan and distribute... heehee

After a wet ride, its a great idea to go for a spin in this toot-toot train... shirt-drying~ wakakaka...

Almost 3pm and we were heading for 深坑豆腐老街, famous for its (Smelly) Tofu delights...
Out coach passed by this place... and I snapped a picture of it.... no idea what it is, but still under construction... very beautiful architecture.
Bustling with life! Lotsa goodies to try... and the "aroma" of Smelly Tofu was in the air... Kokuhen and Jerry had disappeared by now... screaming "AOE! AOE!" (Area of Effect), and getting over the opposite street to explore...
9 out of 10 shops sells fashionable girls clothing, at super affordable prices, since they do wholesale... below is a 10secs video clip I took of the street... (the girls tending the shop are so "TEH~")
and pictures of the street scene. (Think Bugis Village x 10 times the size). We guys were naturally bored since very few stores sells guys stuff... Jeans went as low as NT$390 there (S$20).
*Yes, as a guy, you got to be thick-skin! Dun be afraid of rejection. Although ppl will laugh at you, you will get the last laugh when you get the girl... muahaha*
and here's a shop selling guy's clothes. Finally~ the guys went in... and I was still admiring the girls outside the shop... heh heh~
Clothes were kept inside these plastic bags and displayed like this...
1 for NT$680 (S$34) and 2 for NT$1000 (S$50). You should haggle for the prices here... and you should be able to bring it down further. Unfortunately... all the tops displayed here are winter-wears... all sweaters - not practical back in Singapore... sadz~
Surprisingly, clothes were very very cheap here too! And fashionable as well! Definitely can spend more here! Especially Jackets! Blazers!
Welcome~ let 好人 show you around~

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