8 days in Samarinda: Day 6
15 April 2009
7:28am... Instant noodles for breakfast~ ^_^
7:58am... on way to work~
@ the Gudang again...
Fuel injection pump ready to be re-fitted~
Gave the kid here my 50% bottle of Pringles... happy like F***~
Went to the drain again to see what else I could find (found a mole yesterday~)...
A frog~!
Got nothing better to do there... so I paid some time with Mr Kermit...
8:42am... still at the Gudang =_=
Some of my friends told me to learn and follow my dad's footsteps...
thats gonna take me 30 years to catch up with him...
9:30am... heading off to the next place~ my turn to drive~
9:58am... at client's shipyard...
Climbed this tugboat...
Anchor winch here looks very familiar... ^_^
Danger lurks everywhere at the worksite... I almost fell 6 feet into that hole there...
didn't wanna head down to the engine room... dun wanna get in people's way...
10:02am... but the deck was freaking hot... morning sun~
stayed on deck counting the coal barges pass by... one...
Figured out that my canon camera actually has the 16:9 aspect ratio~! Started taking wide-screen photos...
Coal is serious business there... if you have the means to pull these coal out of Samarinda, you'll be easily rich~
so the economy there is sorta propelled by the coal mining and ship building industry...
... and ship building is big business too~
video clip on the surroundings...
More coal barges.... three, four...

10:30am... headed to the wheelhouse... newly fitted equipment...

artisans working on the interior...

10:52am... at a neighbourhood... dad's here to recce the land... gonna buy a plot of land for another house... ^_^

passed by an empty field and noticed what looked like tombs... stopped for a closer look...

and realised there are hens and roosters neatly parked in each one!


Keropok man...

They looked hilarious... but kinda hate them cuz they always ride very slow and horde the already very narrow road...

another keropok man...

11:08am... major road junction... left-turning vehicles never stops...

11:11am... at Ah-Seng's metal workshop again...

12:15pm... Instant noodles with egg for lunch~!

1:09pm... spent the afternoon fixing this desktop pc... infested with virus... and corrupted files...
One funny incident: Was reinstall Windows OS... took a long time... then the electricity went out... which is a common thing at Samarinda... my eyes flipped backwards till the whites showed....

2:19pm... headed for Tenggarong... notice the road goes down and up mountaineous regions?

Kids asking for money by the road... using boxes... for a better catch~

This statue is the symbol of Samarinda... its a landmark at the entrace of the city...

headed towards Tenggarong~

2:38pm... long road ahead...

Have I mentioned that at some parts of the road... one wrong move and you will be on your way down the cliff / valley?

Here's some examples...

Using the highway towards Tenggarong requires payment of toll... fellas take turns inside the booth to sleep while the partner collects Rp1,000 and issues tickets to motorist...

Tenggarong surprisingly looked like a nicer city...

2:45pm... I love these bridges...

That statue is anothe symbolic landmark here...

Canon takes pretty nice photos~

Tenggarong is a pictureque place too~

Car ahead is a Learner's car... Have I mentioned that red car plates are government cars? Also, the normal car plates are issued by the local police, and they came with serial numbers. Drivers are not permitted to install new ones on their cars... Oh, white plated cars are new cars, with their black number plates still in process.

Got closer to the landmark...

Motorbikes at their maximum load...

2:59pm... arrived at our destination~

Dad took me to the museum~!

For the record, I hate museums~

Dad wanted to show me the aborigins - Dayaks. This is the first King and Queen~

Stone inscriptions...

Dayaks artifacts...

There used to be gold mining too...

Hate the lightings in the museum... its too dark... and I was never a flash user... If I use flash, the glass cabinets will reflect... If I dun, the picture turns out dark (this photo below has been altered)

Natural gases.. the exhibit here shows what Samarinda has to offer...


coal mining...

Oil rigging...

Dayak weapons...

Chinese sword?!

17th century guns...

.. the King's bed...

was told this crown is made of gold~

3:29pm... on our way home... we spent 1 hour travelling to the museum... 30 mins stroll in the museum... then another hour back home.... I hate museums...

This bridge brings us back to Samarinda...

4:13pm... back at market area... traffic jam again...

4:24pm... stopped by the highest point for another view of the Samarinda city...

This plot of land looks good~

Gave a panranomic view of the entire city...

video clip...

8:46pm... snack time!

This is Goreng Pisang sprinkled with shredded cheese~ I tell you~ this is yummy~!

The sweetness from the bananas... the crispiness... and the heat that melts the cheese... almost like caramel~
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