Nearly a month into my new job...
Here's my brand new table from VHIVE!
No more lousy plywood tables! This is clear glass, silver metal and chrome frame~ yippe. Also thanks to Jess for letting me have her pink chair ^__^
SS7273GT BARRYcomputer table
150 x 60-150 x 76cm UP $575.00 NOW $395.00

One aspect I like about my job is to watch the production team's job... this metallic stand (comes in orange and black) you will come to see at The Velocity is created from here...

Just the other day, I was happily watching my Production Director skillfully transfer such Velocity stickers onto the metallic stands... was an eye opener...

Was pretty fun watching them peel off the stickers to unveil what they have underneath...

thanks to the CASMate program...

this store of all sorts of Oracle brand stickers...

and this amazing cutting machine...
My Production Direction was telling me the other day that the entire body splash design on his Honda Airwave was printed and done up from here. All the stickers on his car was D.I.Y. straight from our own production workshop!

Then he said I can go sketch out a design I like for my upcoming Honda Fit... get our in-house designer to help with the CASMate drawing, and I can have the entire car sticker printed out from here! Then they'll help me dress up my new car. WOW, it kept me up the whole night thinking up all sorts of designs! xD
Yep, my Production Director is a rather nice chap... I click rather well with him probably because we drive... we like [ 风云 ]... that he has this 1:1 scale replica of the [ 绝世好剑 ] atop his desk... of which I have witnessed how it was used by a production crew to chase another executive around the office floor...

... and he offered his entire Bowling set for me to use anytime I feel like! The blue ball is a 14.5 pounder hook ball worth over $300, while the black one is specially meant for the 10th-pin. Can't wait to try my hands on them!

Dang~ this gigantic Jimmy Neutron head was a prop for its event that has long ended... there are still many leftover notebooks of Jimmy Neutron in the office cabinets...

My office location is rather ironic... or you can say in the "Twilight Zone"... because we're sandwiched between the IDAC (Independent Damage Assessment Centre)...

... and Hong Sin Motors...

SO~ the carpark directly in front of my office is filled with such wreaked cars... (I'll see different wrecked cars towed in EVERYDAY)...

... and these brand new cars (most of which has chalk markings on the windscreen of their OMV value, etc...).

Driving between work and home has been a breeze thus far... I never have to worry about getting stuck in the morning peak hours since I only leave home for office at 9:50 am. The Kaki Bukit Flyover takes me point to point in 15mins flat - no jams!
*Caution: Do not attempt to take photos while driving at high speed; I am trained, you're not. =p
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