Okay, friends around me know I watch Animes. . . yet I never bought any anime merchandise before (or was there?). Now that I got a little spare $$$ to go around. . . I have reach the decision that I shall buy ONE anime figurine to display. I never have enough money to buy such stuffs cuz its just so expensive then. . .
So, if there is only room for one. . . which shall it be? Taking into consideration the following:
1) I will cap the price at below $150;
2) No nudity or scantily-clad;
3) Must be girl figurine (I like the curves (~,^) )
4) Must be wielding a weapon (blades preferred, no guns please)
5) Overall "feel" must emit the "cool" factor, nothing sleazy please. . .
So, after exchanging a few pointers with Kokuhen-san and gotten some leads from him, I managed to shortlist the following - for further consideration:
1) Oneechanbara Vortex @ 6,279 Yen
Cool factor, but too scantily-clad = fail.
2) Kannu Uncho from Ikkitousen @ 8,925 Yen
Supposedly black hair and not wearing this Qi-Pao. But the Green-Dragon Sabre is way cool.
I would not have hesitate to choose this if not for the facial-appearance to look a bit off the actual cool look. I like the long hair, but I hate the butt portion - too exposed.
3) Jinkai Makyo@ 4,980 Yen
Nice costume, but not wielding weapon = fail
4) Kokona from Shunya Yamashita @ 6,090 Yen
Nice hair, nice facial appearance, cool weapon.
Large boobs and too short a skirt = fail
5) Shina Kanon from Shining Wind @ 5,775 Yen Ah~ a decent costume, skirt too short though. . . can consider further. . .6) Mizuka from Sengoku Kyanon Ace Episode 3 @ 6,800 Yen
Very nice costume! Looks like a priestress from the beads she's holding. But too cute to be cool = fail.
7) Nedroid Sakura from Fate / Hollow Ataraxia @ 3,000 Yen Too cute = fail.
8) Shana from Shakugan no Shana @ 6,200 Yen
Katana wielder = pass; Red hair = cool; Pose = cool; Face too cute, skirt too short. . .
9) Shimuka from Air Gear @ 7,140 Yen
Roller blades! Nice pose and healthy image. I like! Only missing the weapon, quite a pity.

10) Mishiro Akatsuki from Shuraki Trinity @ 4,800 Yen
Cool factor = Great; Twin blades = 2x Cool, but funny hair and skirt too short.
11) Signum from Nanoha Striker @ 8,190 Yen Dull pose, costume nice, but too pink. Hair pink also. . . overall: too pink = fail.

In the end, only the few are further short-listed:
2) Kannu Uncho from Ikkitousen @ 8,925 Yen;
5) Shina Kanon from Shining Wind @ 5,775 Yen;
8) Shana from Shakugan no Shana @ 6,200 Yen;
9) Shimuka from Air Gear @ 7,140 Yen
10) Mishiro Akatsuki from Shuraki Trinity @ 4,800 Yen
Which should I choose??!!
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