Headed out today with the intention to recce Sim Lim Square for Wacom Graphics Tablet... and since I am heading out~ might as well plan the trip a little~ and bring my camera along~ (^__^)
*Refuel at Esso... inflate tyres... drop a cheque... head to Temasek Poly...*
Temasek Polytechnic's Library Lvl 8; when's the last time you've been there? Why am I there? Because its the best place to get your hands on the latest editions of very expensive books!
Especially books like these! (am I turning Geek or wat?). TP Library is a treasure cove, selections are so much better than the National Library, and the fact that I can find most of the latest books goes to tell that TP students are not really reading much. On the way towards SLS, along Jalan Besar, stuck in the usual traffic jam and spotted this banner... wondering if such services are still in demand...
A&T: Tape Duplication / Systems Conversion / DVD.VCD Encoding / Looping Service. Call 6396 5225.
Still along Jalan Besar, before Mayo Street: this is the 5th time I've passed this hotel and I had purposely planned this route so I can get stuck in the traffic jam to take this picture! I kept forgetting my camera the previous 4 times... My secondary school friends might find this hotel familiar...
Finally reached Sim Lim Square, Singapore's largest electronics and computer centre!
I tell you, despite being there countless times, I am still very much thrilled by all the gadgets there! Its like Pokemon... gotta collect them all! Next on my list is a SmartPhone or HTC Touch, then a Video Camera, then a digital SLR... but I am broke!
Had checked out Nintendo Wii prices. Japanese sets are selling for as low as S$330, and as high as S$530. Whereas the US (local) sets are selling for S$660, to as high as S$700+.
Not counting Wii-Sports (which is a standard package), some shops sells the Wii package with 2 free (C.M.I) games, while some 3 free (C.M.I) games. Funny thing was, the shop at the basement dared to count the Wii-Sports game = 5 free games inside. *C.M.I. = Cannot Make It. There are even "Modified" / "Refurbished" sets there (which allows you to play pirated Wii games, amid unstably) . But I have no interest to ask.
If you're gonna buy Nintendo Wii there... do your homework thoroughly first before heading to SLS. Check through at least 4 or 5 shops. They are hush about the prices, and I could tell they hate quoting prices over the counter, yet cannot refuse telling me. Also, they are trying to get rid of their Japanese sets, hence quoting you very low prices, assuming you dunno the difference between US and Jap versions.
When I further enquired about the US sets, this fella whipped out the calculator, and before pressing his magic number, asked me: "What's the lowest price you've got so far?". I smiled at replied: "Market price range lah, what's your rate at?". His magic number: S$668.
Lowest US package I am seen in Simei: S$620... WIN.
Anyways, I was there for Wacom Graphics Tablet! Almost forgotten about my purpose. Kokuhen-san was telling me he bought his first Wacom tablet for around S$400+... but my budget is only like S$100+... was there recce-ing for "pah-liah" brands...
Below's a Genius brand (Taiwan) 4" x 5.5" tablet, retailing at S$79 @ atf Multimedia Accessories (level 4, you wun missed it).
A 8" x 6" tablet is more of a decent size, retailing at S$129. (I asked the boss for permission to photograph this). Hopped around a few other stores and conversations summed up as:
Storekeeper: you wun find wacom here (SLS) anymore, no shops selling, people scared off by the price, so we dun carry anymore.
Finally, at another shop at Level 5... I spotted another Genius brand 8" x 6" tablet, no price-tag. Below it, is a second box, same brand, same dimensions, just different packaging. Upon examination, the box on top is newer, and comes with better bundled softwares. Here's the conversation of the day:
Me: Boss, wats the diff between these two ah?
Boss: No difference, same, just different packaging.
Me: (pissed that he’s not telling me one of them comes with newer bundled softwares) So how much is this?
Boss: Erm, wait ah, let me recall…
Me: (already prepared to get shit answer)
*there are 3 sizes of tablets on the shelf placed in ascending order of sizes…*
Boss: Oh, its S$49 (smallest), S$59 (medium), and S$69 (largest, the 8”x6”). Yea.
Me: (ROFL, No shit!) S$69… hmmm~(faking a bit)
Me: (pushing my luck) $65 can anot?
Boss: Very cheap already lah… S$67 lah~
Me: Okay~ (woo hooo!)
Guess what? The bundled software comes with Photoshop CS3 Extended (trial)!
Leaving the place... chanced upon this telcom shop... reminds you of SingTel, no?
Had some time left before picking up tonic-babe, so I hopped by 四马路 area... spotted another Zodiac reading!
Click picture for larger view...
Further to the left of Burlington Square, Summer View Hotel, ideal place for stay over if you've got foreign friends coming over. SLS is just 5 mins walk up the street. Ask me for a scan of the name card ya (while I still have it).
Just a stone throw away from Summer View Hotel (can you spot its sign-board in the background?), you'll find Hawaii Hostel.
Looks like this from the outside...
Right inside before heading up the stairs...
Office is just the first room to the left, on level 2. Counter's tend by a skinny Chinese uncle in his 50s. Rates are as low as S$16 for a hostel room, $26 for a single bed room (with aircon, common bathroom), $30+ for double bed room with toilet and aircon, $40+ for 3 beds with aircon. Max price is S$48.
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