New SAF Uniforms
Q: Before I proceed with the main topic... I can only say "Oh shiit~~~". Why? Because it would only mean that we (as NSMen) will sooner or later receive the instructions from "above", to have our current uniforms changed.
I already have like 3 sets of 3 different types of uniforms, and 3 types of footwear to go along - No.3, No.4, and my Coveralls.
Then, its the hassle of getting our camouflage name-tags sewn, and buy our ranks / insignias for the new uniforms. And during this "transition" period, the entire SAF will be looking very "Chap-Pa-Lang" - some in new uniforms, some in old uniforms. some without name tags, some with... etc... Eh?! Wait a sec.... I am not with the SAF...

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s men in green will be seeing a new combat uniform from next year.
Some 300,000 servicemen will eventually be wearing the new SAF combat uniform with high—tech pixelised patterns on it. The patterns replace the large green patches on the old outfit.
The new material maintains the camouflage effect even when viewed through night vision devices.
Some 300,000 servicemen will eventually be wearing the new SAF combat uniform with high—tech pixelised patterns on it. The patterns replace the large green patches on the old outfit.
The new material maintains the camouflage effect even when viewed through night vision devices.
It is also designed to be used in war zones that extend beyond the jungle.
Colonel Tan Chor Kiat, Chief of Staff, HQ 9 Division, Infantry, Singapore Armed Forces, said: "When you talk about urban terrain, you are really looking at a very unique characteristic where the opposing forces can co—exist within the same urban terrain in a very volatile system. Consequently, the soldiers are going to get shot at a lot more often, and at a much more shorter distance."
According to the SAF, the new uniform increases detection time by 30 to 50 percent in the urban environment, making it harder for enemies to find their targets.
It is also made from better quality fabric which helps dissipate sweat and heat away from the body quicker and comes with ergonomic features such as extra padding and pockets.
It will be introduced to all servicemen over a three—year period starting from 2009.
The first to receive the new uniforms will be recruits from the January Basic Military Training intake, as well as active personnel and NSmen in their sixth and seventh In—Camp Training years, while the rest will get theirs in 2010 and 2011.
NSmen currently in their seventh to ninth years, however, will not receive the new uniform.
SAF says this phased approach takes into consideration the wear and tear of servicemen’s existing uniforms. — CNA/de

Wrote a blogger, who didn't name the female party:
"The wife of a regular officer wants to petition against the change in army uniform because she don’t find it sexy."
"Dear all, I’m an army wife and my husband is a SAF regular army officer. One of the many primary reasons I married my husband is because of his dashing uniform. We were fixed up by someone we knew mutually and had many email conversations over a month before we met. He sent me a picture of him in his no.4 uniform and immediately, I fell in love with the way he looks in it (i didn’t say i fell for him immediately). I felt myself swooning.
When we began dating, he invited me once to a parade in his camp and when I saw him in person in his no.4 uniform, I was sure and told myself I will make this man my husband. The whole get-up made my knees weak. On our wedding, he wore his no.1.
Anyway, I was horrified to find out that SAF was going to change the no. 4 uniform. What was worse is that the new uniform is unspeakably ugly. It looks like pyjamas and the camo print is hideous. The colours are gross too, with a lot of brown, very weird, looks like crap.
The colors of the current one are perfect and manly. And the camo print of this current one is perfect too. The cut, lapels, badges, collar, cutting are perfect. I don’t understand why they would change such a nice and flattering uniform. The current SAF army no.4 is the nicest and smartest and manliest army combat uniform throughout all the armies in the world.
I would like to ask if wives are asked for their opinions before this change was decided? Who decided this? As wives of our regular soldiers, we are in close contact with the uniforms as much as the soldiers are. And it is also a large part of our lives. I fell for my husband because of the dashing and manly no.4 uniform. Many many other army wives believe that uniform is extremely flattering and sexy.
Can we seek some explanation or redress in some way? :( "
Q: ROFL~!!! If I am the army-officer / husband, I will dig a hole in the ground and hide inside forever! Come on lady, we are talking about life and death here. Its a matter of camouflage and not getting shot at! Not aesthetic appeal! You can get your husband to model in the old uniform in the privacy of your home and coax you into bed. But spare a thought for the rest of the boys out there please~ My goodness...
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